Jar 10 Found
Only hours after I put up extra clues for this Jar, my friend Chris went searching and found it.
He shares his find in video.....
Well Done Chris!
Jar 18 is next......
More Clues For Jar 10
It has been over a month since Jar Number 10 was put out and it is still there so I thought I'd put up a better clue to help you hunters find it.
Here is the original photo......
And here is the one you didn't see.......
If you recognise this bridge start your hunt there.....
Happy Hunting!
Jar Found
Jar Number 16 was found almost straight away by a fellow artist and eagle eyed Elliot.
Thanks so much Elliot for reporting it found.
Don't forgot if you have found a Jar please email me at shelly24286@hotmail.com or go to BadWolfJars Facebook page and report it. :)
Jar Number 17
Contents: Papermasha, pebbles
Released: 24-9-2011
Location: Stoke Gifford, Bristol
Status: In situ
Some of the walks so far I have found tricky, people around, can't find a good spot, run of energy quickly. This one was a real pleasure though. The sun decided to come out a little and I thought I would go and explore a part of Stoke Gifford I don't usually go to.
I did get interrupted while placing the jar, but only by a nice man asking if I had locked myself out of a certain building.
I decided to the scenic way back and crossed though the church yard. That is the exact moment my walk became slightly magical. I love church yards, I like reading the headstones and thinking what each persons life was like. I like to think how they lived, loved and are remembered. That is when my mp3 (oh shuffle) tuned perfectly into where I was and started to play Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley. Beautiful song, beautiful voice and a beautiful place.
Happy Hunting!
Jar Number 16
A week later than planned here finally is my Origami Gorilla Jar. Last week the 61 Bristol wow Gorilla's spread across the city to celebrate 125 years of Bristol Zoo were taken away to be sold at action. I have been trying to do a Jar to celebrate this and here it finally is.
Contents: Origami Paper
Released: 16-9-2011
Location: Filton, BS34
Status: Found by Elliot 17-9-2011
Being as the Zoo is a Bristol institution I thought I would put this Jar by another great Bristol landmark. Big clue to it's whereabouts, This landmark is sadly no more, the powers that be decided that it was time to modernise. So a peace of Bristol history, which I have known all my life, is now in rubble.
I got in a tad bit of trouble placing this jar, a security guard caught me placing it and told me to move on. He didn't notice the jar though, just me loitering around. Apparently a pile of rubble is not the place for a young women to hang around.... ah well.
Happy Hunting yall!
Jar Number 15
Contents: Plastic, various button papers
Released: 11-9-2011
Location: Stoke Gifford BS34
Status: Missing 13-10-2011
I like this photo, I was taking it in the dark so I thought I had a cl ear shot. Once I got home and inspected the photos I found this, I hadn't seen the leaves in front of me.
It was pitch black for most of this place (note to self....buy a torch) but the moon came out for a little time. This gave me the chance to make a new friend, a little brown thing shuffled across the grass to say hello.
I've never known a Hedgehog to be curious but this one was.
Happy Hunting!
Jar Number 14
Frans Jar
My first real out of town Jar. I escaped life and Bristol for a few days and went to the beach. I thought it would be a waste if a Jar didn't come with me.
So here it is Jar 14 at the beach, it even went for a little dip in the sea.......and then out to sea. The water was stronger than I though and tried to steal it. So in I went, jeans and all to get it back. I then got completely covered in sand while placing it. But hey it wouldn't be a trip to the beach without sand between the toes.

As i stated before I've been going through a bit of a creative dry patch.....and then it rained. Literally the heavens opened over Stoke Gifford and I got to thinking about making a Jar inspired by rain. I was just ponder on that thought when my email pinged. I had a lovely heart warming email from a follower called Fran. She suggested that I ask my followers for inspirations for Jars. Which is a great idea that I will no doubt use at some point. She then went onto say that she was watching the rain too and what did I think of a Jar inspired by the rain. This made me smile so much, so I would like to dedicate this Jar to Fran, the women with the great idea.
Contents: Fishing wire and Mirror pieces
Released: 3-9-2011
Location: Dunster Beach, TA24
Status: In Situ
Happy Hunting!
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