Jar Found
A Jar has been found :)
Number 34 was found by my good friend Peter and here is a little video of his find for you to enjoy.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Badwolf Map
BadWolf Map
The full Badwolf Map is up and running, with all the missing, found, and to be found Jars on it.
You now have more chance of finding a Jar with them all documented on the map. There are a few that may not be there anymore, but I can't check on them as there too far away.
If you find one, or the lack of one, please report it.
The full Badwolf Map is up and running, with all the missing, found, and to be found Jars on it.
You now have more chance of finding a Jar with them all documented on the map. There are a few that may not be there anymore, but I can't check on them as there too far away.
If you find one, or the lack of one, please report it.
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Jar Number 52
Jar Number 52
Happy Hunting!
Last Jar
Contents: Drawing
Released: 14-7-2012
General Location: Winterbourne Down, BS36
Status: Missing
Released: 14-7-2012
General Location: Winterbourne Down, BS36
Status: Missing
Note to self, never plan where you are going to put a Jar out, it never goes to plan.
So last week I said I was going to put the last jar out at Pride. Well I don't think I thought this through. It's not an easy thing, to put a Jar out on College Geen surrounded by hundreds of other people, with litter collectors clearing up around you.
So I very quickly abandoned that idea. I got home, after a great pride by the way, and was looking at the last Jar I had made. I suddenly wasn't very happy with it, it was a self portrait and felt a bit odd. Who, if they found it, would really want a Jar with my mug looking at them. I'm not sure if it is against any of my rules, to scrap and re-make a Jar. But that's what I did, and this Jar is the finished product.
I now needed somewhere to put it, so I decided to take a stroll down memory lane. (almost literally as it is in a lane) To my old stomping ground as a kid. It was nice to go back and see that, what i thought were bad memory's of childhood, have now washed away into fondness of the good times.
Anyway, so this is the last Jar, I spose this is the moment where I should reflect back on the project. But at the moment I'm a bit blank, my mind and body are just relived that I made it this far.
There is still more stuff to come. Such as, next week I will be updating the BadWolf Map, so that all unfound Jars will be on there. That way any hunters can go and find them.
Hopefully my mind will be clearer by then and I will be able to sum up this wonderful experience. Until then......
Sunday, 8 July 2012
Jar Number 51
Jar Number 51
Only one more Jar to go after this , can't believe it's almost over.
This Jar joined in 2 Flash Mobs. It's Gay Pride week, so to launch it there was a flash mob dance at Cabot Circus. After enjoying some rainbow fun I was just hanging out with a mate. She pointed out a guy with a very big drum, and then a horn section and then another drum. Low and behold 2 minutes later we're dancing about to the island beat of Womad.
I was then introduced to the most amazing milkshake in the world and was on a sugar high from hell. Now i'm on the sugar crash, my head is pounding, but i had a great time.
Next week will be the last Jar, and as i said it's Gay Pride week. So 3 guesses where next weeks Jar is going out.......
p.s. As i'm nearing the end of the project, I thought i'd mentioned the map bellow. At the moment it only has the found or missing Jars on it. But after the last Jar has been out a week, I will update it and put all Jars on there. So you can easily find the yet to be found Jars. I hope you enjoy searching for them, and please don't forget to register your find. I will still be updating this blog and will be posting my next project soon.
Happy Hunting!
Contents: Wire and clear beads
Released: 7-7-2012
General Location: Broadmead, BS1
Status: Missing 14-7-2012
Released: 7-7-2012
General Location: Broadmead, BS1
Status: Missing 14-7-2012
Only one more Jar to go after this , can't believe it's almost over.
This Jar joined in 2 Flash Mobs. It's Gay Pride week, so to launch it there was a flash mob dance at Cabot Circus. After enjoying some rainbow fun I was just hanging out with a mate. She pointed out a guy with a very big drum, and then a horn section and then another drum. Low and behold 2 minutes later we're dancing about to the island beat of Womad.
I was then introduced to the most amazing milkshake in the world and was on a sugar high from hell. Now i'm on the sugar crash, my head is pounding, but i had a great time.
Next week will be the last Jar, and as i said it's Gay Pride week. So 3 guesses where next weeks Jar is going out.......
p.s. As i'm nearing the end of the project, I thought i'd mentioned the map bellow. At the moment it only has the found or missing Jars on it. But after the last Jar has been out a week, I will update it and put all Jars on there. So you can easily find the yet to be found Jars. I hope you enjoy searching for them, and please don't forget to register your find. I will still be updating this blog and will be posting my next project soon.
Happy Hunting!
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Jar Number 50
Jar Number 50
Happy Hunting!
Contents: Drawing
Released: 30-6-2012
General Location: Bradley stoke/patchway border, BS32
Status: Missing 12-4-12
Released: 30-6-2012
General Location: Bradley stoke/patchway border, BS32
Status: Missing 12-4-12
Its raining, it's pouring and my flipping brolly broke. Dam!
little clue as to the wearabouts of the Jar
Happy Hunting!
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Jar Number 49
Jar Number 49
Contents: Mini Jelly Beans
Released: 23-6-2012
General Location: Almondsbury, BS32
Status: Missing 11-8-2012
I woke up at the crack of dawn...well 5:45. So after waiting for the sun to come up, I ventured out to put the Jar out.
Bit of a easy one to make this week, but who can resist rainbow jelly beans.
There are 2 Jars this week, one has gone out and one is up for grabs on my facebook page. Link here BadWolf Jars.
And now to bed, which is what you do after a early morning, sleepy time :)
Don't forget to enter to win this Jar.
Happy Hunting!
Released: 23-6-2012
General Location: Almondsbury, BS32
Status: Missing 11-8-2012
I woke up at the crack of dawn...well 5:45. So after waiting for the sun to come up, I ventured out to put the Jar out.
Bit of a easy one to make this week, but who can resist rainbow jelly beans.
There are 2 Jars this week, one has gone out and one is up for grabs on my facebook page. Link here BadWolf Jars.
And now to bed, which is what you do after a early morning, sleepy time :)
Amazing View from Jar hiding place.
Don't forget to enter to win this Jar.
Happy Hunting!
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Jar Number 48
Jar Number 48

Picture of found Jar by Den Does
Contents: Model World
Released: 16-6-2012
General Location: Bradley Stoke, BS32
Status: Found by Den Does 18-6-2012
Released: 16-6-2012
General Location: Bradley Stoke, BS32
Status: Found by Den Does 18-6-2012

Picture of found Jar by Den Does
So we have our first nocturnal Jar in a while. My sleep pattern has gone up the spout again so I didn't wake up till half 5 in the afternoon.
My idea was to put this into a Geocache n the area, but after a good search, i couldn't find it. So I gave up and just placed this little mini Jar world on a sign I found.
I broke one of my own rules..........
Rule 11. .I am allowed to visit jars to check if they are still there but I am not allowed to move them, even if they are no longer in their original position.
Well I went back today cause the fact I couldn't find the Geocach was really bugging me. So i took the Jar and went looking for ir again.
I failed to find it for a second time and the Jar is back in it's original place. But I broke my own rule...so I feel a punishment maybe need. And I leave it to you to choose what it should be.
We're in the last stretch, last 5, sad but excited.
Happy Hunting!
P.S. A new Give-a-Way coming soon........
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Jar Number 47
Jar Number 47
Contents: Photo
Released: 9-6-2012
General Location: Clifton, BS8
Status: Found by Megan Eaton age 5 1/2 9-6-12
Another sleepy week in my end of the world. S I finally drag myself out of bed, and try to face the world with a smile and a sense of purpose. The sun is shinning again, so i head out to a lovely view with a book and a Jar.
Should be pretty easy to find, how many views are there in Clifton.......
I'll give you a really Big clue................
Released: 9-6-2012
General Location: Clifton, BS8
Status: Found by Megan Eaton age 5 1/2 9-6-12
Another sleepy week in my end of the world. S I finally drag myself out of bed, and try to face the world with a smile and a sense of purpose. The sun is shinning again, so i head out to a lovely view with a book and a Jar.
Should be pretty easy to find, how many views are there in Clifton.......
I'll give you a really Big clue................
Go to the place where you get the best view over the bridge, way up high.
Happy Hunting!
Monday, 4 June 2012
Jar Number 46
Jar Number 46
Contents: Peanut M&Ms i
Released: 3-6-2012
General Location: Hambrook, BS16
Status: Missing
Here is a little extra clue. If you recognise this logo and you go there, you're very close.
Released: 3-6-2012
General Location: Hambrook, BS16
Status: Missing
So you know those days where you wake up and feel dead. Well today was one of those. But being that is was some old birds 60th year on the thrown, I thought I'd better attempt to put out a slight patriotic Jar.
It's cloudy but not completely deprived of sun, so I dragged myself up and out to place this Jar. It was all going fine, till I got out of the car and Bam, the heavens open (not a good day to wear a white t-shirt). So i dove back into the car and waited for the dreaded wet stuff to stop.
Second time lucky, and this time armed with a umbrella off I went. Where i happily found a delightful hole in a wall, willing to apprehend my request of a hiding place.
The Jar itself is the closest I could get to feeling patriotic (with chocolate). I tried to make a union flag with the m&m's, but they were not cooperating. My hats off to anyone who can control the little mites.
Here is a little extra clue. If you recognise this logo and you go there, you're very close.
Happy Hunting!
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Jar Number 45
Jar Number 45
Contents: Photo and dried flowers
Released: 27-5-2012
General Location: Three Brooks, Bradley Stoke, BS32
Status: Found 3rd June by Chris
So the sun is out and the heatwave is on. Hence why I didn't make it far from my front door today. It is beautiful, but I don't do well with heat.
Today's Jar has a photo of some small pebbles spelling out the word hope. I don't think there is ever enough hope in the world :)
I'm not sure if this one will get reported as my normal pen died and the one I used was a lot thicker than normal.
Contents: Photo and dried flowers
Released: 27-5-2012
General Location: Three Brooks, Bradley Stoke, BS32
Status: Found 3rd June by Chris
So the sun is out and the heatwave is on. Hence why I didn't make it far from my front door today. It is beautiful, but I don't do well with heat.
Today's Jar has a photo of some small pebbles spelling out the word hope. I don't think there is ever enough hope in the world :)
I'm not sure if this one will get reported as my normal pen died and the one I used was a lot thicker than normal.
Happy Hunting!
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Jar Number 44
Jar Number 44
Contents: Origami Books
Released: 23-5-2012
General Location: Cherry Tree, Blackburn, BB2
Status: Missing
BadWolf Jars went on its hols, or rather I did. Went for a visit up north, though with the weather if felt like i have gone south. Discovered a amazing little place called Cherry Tree and chilled by the canal for a few days. Happy Times.
Contents: Origami Books
Released: 23-5-2012
General Location: Cherry Tree, Blackburn, BB2
Status: Missing
BadWolf Jars went on its hols, or rather I did. Went for a visit up north, though with the weather if felt like i have gone south. Discovered a amazing little place called Cherry Tree and chilled by the canal for a few days. Happy Times.
Beautiful Canal
So Lovely
Happy Hunting!
Monday, 14 May 2012
Jar Number 43
Sun, Sea and Confetti
Contents: Tree and Drawing
Released: 13-5-2012
General Location: Torquay Beach, Torquay, TQ2
Status: In Situ
So the reason last weeks was late is because I was snowed under with a Wedding!
My Dad married his fiance Kath, so off to the sea side i went. The wedding was in a lovely beach front hotel in Torquay, and the next day i couldn't resist taking a wonder down and placing a Jar.
Also having a bit of a paddle and watching some very brave kids try to swim in the freezing sea.
It was a lovely weekend and we were lucky as hell with the weather. I am now exhausted but it was worth it.
So here is a ver special wedding weekend Jar.
Amazing day
Happy Hunting!
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