

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Jar Number 41

Jar Number 41

Contents: Drawing
Released: 28-4-2012
General Location: Little Stoke Park, Bristol, BS34
Status: Found by Lu 21-5-12

It seems my Jar placing is turning into a social event. My health sucks at the moment so I don't get many chances to see mates. So I'm dragging my poor friends into the cold and rain to catch up while we try to find a nice place to place a Jar.
This week was no exception, wet, cold and me rather shaky, we dragged ourselves round the park. This weather had better start cheering up or I'm going to start losing friends.

Happy Hunting!

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Jar Number 40

Jar Number 40

Contents: Fake Egg
Released: 22-4-2012
General Location: Staple Hill, Bristol, BS16
Status: Missing 25-5-2012

Note to anyone ever considering such a project as this, or planning on going out to find a Jar. Take a umbrella with you EVERYWHERE!
I left in the glorious sunshine, and half way through the heavens opened. Now it's not easy taking a photo when the wind is blowing rain in your face and you're trying to hold a umbrella steady as well.
I didn't really know where to place this Jar, so I called on the help of a friend and she found me a lovely place to go. Thank god she was there to help with the umbrella, or i would have had a harder time.
The project has brought me another random happy moment today, I was just going to wonder around getting lost till I found somewhere to place the Jar.
But I was dropping off the Easter Jar to last weeks winner and she knew a great place for a Jar placing. So i had a wonderful, unplanned catch up and gossip with a friend.
This doesn't happen to me much, most of my life is planned way ahead of time because of my health. So seeing her was a real treat and exploring a new part of town.
We wondered round in the rain for about 15 minutes placing the Jar, only to find, on the way back, somewhere that would have been perfect, about 2 seconds from where we parked the car. But the Jar was placed by now, and keeping to rule 11, once it placed i cannot move it.
Oh well, there is always next time.....

The Jar itself should be pretty explanatory to any good Beatles fan.

Happy Hunting!

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Jar Number 39

Jar Number 39

Contents: Photo and Beach Rocks
Released: 14-4-2012
General Location: Winterbourne Hill, BS36
 Status: Found by Jack Hughes 3-5-12

This Jar will now be known as the 7am Jar. I woke up stupidly early and couldn't get back to sleep. So i thought I'd go for a wonder and realised. If I went to Winterbourne I could go to the bakery as it opened. You know what that means......Yummyness before they sell out :).
So about the Jar, this one means a lot to me. In fact I've made a few versions of it as it means so much.
As a kid, for family holidays we would go to a place called Morgan Porth in Cornwall.
The place is built up now, but back in the day it was just a beach, a newsagent and a few B&B's up on the Cliff.
We used to have the run of the place as not many people knew where it was. There were loads of rock pools, and some steps carved into the side of the cliff. You could sit there in the evening and as the tide came in around you. You'd have to go up a few steps now and again to stop from getting wet.
This photo was taken on one of those holidays and the rocks are from the beach.
It is great memory of a magical place that I shall treasure forever.

Happy Hunting!

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Jar Number 38

Jar Number 38
(And a Easter Surprise)

Contents: Micro Eggs
 Released: 7-4-2012
General Location: Webbs Wood, Bradley Stoke, BS32
 Status: Missing 27- 5-2012

So it's Easter and I've cheated a bit with this Jar. It's not very creative, in fact it's a bit boring. But i thought it would be nice to a little Easter egg hunt Jar.
Plus who doesn't like a edible Jar, well edible contents. (vegetarian but not suitable for nut allergies)

And seeing as it's Easter I thought I'd treat you all. Firstly to a extra clue photo.

And Secondly......
Yes, that's right folks.....I spoil you, cause this week there are 2 Jars.

Everyone give me a Woooooooooo!
One has gone out as normal, the other is up for grabs on my Facebook page. Link here.
We're going to play a little game known as, Guess how many Mini Eggs are in the Jar.
Competition will be run for a week, make a comment on the Facebook page or comment here below.
The closest number wins the Jar and I will tell you the Winner in next weeks Blog.

So Happy Hunting and Happy Guessing!

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Jar Number 37

Jar Number 37

Contents: Drawing
Released: 31-3-2012
General Location: Twerton, Bath, BA2
 Status: Missing

So this was sort of a last minute Jar. I have a few in the making but non were finished and I was panicking a little bit. Then  went through a old sketch book and found this.
Now were getting to the last 15 Jars I'm slightly worried I'm running out of ideas, but I've thought that before and managed to keep going.
The placing of this one was a bit dangerous. I was off to visit a friend for her birthday so I thought I'd place it while on my way.
I had a idea where I wanted to put it, but what i hadn't remembered, is that my chosen place was on a dead corner and involved me walking into the middle of the road to take a photo.
So i apologise that the photo isn't great, but i was trying not to get run over.
I am now dying in bed from a party food hangover, and typing while being hungover is not a very cleaver idea, so spelling mistakes and missing words galore.
Anyway had a great time and fun risk of death.

Happy Hunting!