Jar Number 69
Contents: Photo
Released: 16-5-2014
General Location: Raleigh Rd, BS3
Status: Found by Anon 18-5-2014
Its Bristol South Bank Arts Trail Weekend
Where Bristol opens up and art turns up everywhere. Comunity halls do free art shows and classes. Art is crammed into every space possible and the streets become alive yet again.
I love Bristol for this.
I may be stuck in my bed at the moment, but if you smile, bribe and promise your soul. You can talk someone into popping a Jar into the city so you can contribute from afar.
I've never joined in before, but now there is a Jar out and about....possible across the road from this wondrous place.
The Tobacco Factory are joining in, and have plenty of things running all weekend.
The Photo in this Jar was taken on a Jar hunt years ago. It's sort of a flash back, I haven't seen in it in years and thought it would be a good tie in. It was taken while trying to find a 365 Jar. So two Jar projects in one.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good weekend Folks
Happy Arts Weekend &
Happy Hunting
Jar Number 68
Contents: Beads, Buttons ect
Released: 18-4-2014
General Location: Victoria Park, BS3
Status: In Situ
So this one is going to be pretty easy to find.
There are good and bad points to placing a Jar at night.
The good is there is no-one about. The only people left are the partiers on there way home or the milkman.
Bad, is that's its dark.....
So it's harder to find a place to put a Jar if you don't know the area. I've wanted to put a Jar out here in a while but I didn't want to go wondering round the park in the dark. So the obvious place it is.
This Jar however did go out after after midnight, which makes its a Free Art Friday Jar.
Happy Hunting !
Jar Number 67
Contents: Wire and Paper
Released: 14-3-2014
General Location: Filton, BS34
Status: In Situ
First Jar in 3 months.....oppsss.
Long story short, my health took one heck of a kick in the teeth and I couldn't get out.
Still can't really, but a bit more strength in these bones let me to Filton at midnight.
This Jar was inspried by some friends of mine that I mentioned before.
They covered a tree in town, with notes of love and encoragment.
This Jar sort of does the same and has many bots of paper with meaningful words on it. Also a few sayings if you follow them.
It feels really good to have put something out in the world again. Life can easily bog you down and take what you love. What I love is creating and exploring, it's an amazing feeling to have gotten to do that again. But for now it's back to bed for me and the Jars. Hopefully another will emerge at some point soon.
Happy Hunting!
Jar Number 66
Contents: Teardrop Jewels
Released: 18-1-2014
General Location: Clifton, BS8
Status: Found by Zoe 18-1-14
I've been feeling rather uninspired lately.
Actually thats and understatement, I feel pretty dam lost.
My health has been taken away from me and with it everything else. My ability to connect to people or myself has been damaged and I feel like i've lost what makes me a person.
So this evening I woke up, like I have the last few months. Feeling all of these things and staring at a Jar I made a while back. I got to thinking, why hadn't I put it out?
Short answer I hadn't been well enough. And this thought made me so angry that I knew I just had to put it out!
So here it is, Jar 66.
The noise of this Jar makes me smile. While putting it out the jewels would brush and tinkle against the glass like a wind chime
I should mention how much I LOVE Bristol cause as I as placing this Jar I could hear whistling.......coming up behind me appeared a man. Not at any way menacing as he was shirtless in freezing rain and humming this happy tune. I live in a wonderful city with amazingly eccentric people...but I do hope he doesn't catch cold.
I started this project to 1, Explore the city I live in 2, Make art, and 3, Connect with people along the way.
I miss that terribly.
I love this project and everything it has let me experience over the last few years.
If you're reading this it probably means you have stuck through with me the last few empty months, and I appreciate that more than I can say.
Thank you for waiting.
Happy Hunting!