

Saturday 15 March 2014

Jar Number 67

Jar Number 67

Contents:  Wire and Paper
Released: 14-3-2014
General Location: Filton, BS34
Status: In Situ

First Jar in 3 months.....oppsss.
Long story short, my health took one heck of a kick in the teeth and I couldn't get out.
Still can't really, but a bit more strength in these bones let me to Filton at midnight.

This Jar was inspried by some friends of mine that I mentioned before. 
They covered a tree in town, with notes of love and encoragment.
This Jar sort of does the same and has many bots of paper with meaningful words on it. Also a few sayings if you follow them.
It feels really good to have put something out in the world again. Life can easily bog you down and take what you love. What I love is creating and exploring, it's an amazing feeling to have gotten to do that again. But for now it's back to bed for me and the Jars. Hopefully another will emerge at some point soon.

Happy Hunting!