

Friday, 18 April 2014

Jar Number 68

Jar Number 68

Contents: Beads, Buttons ect
Released: 18-4-2014 
General Location: Victoria Park, BS3
Status: In Situ 
 So this one is going to be pretty easy to find.
There are good and bad points to placing a Jar at night.

The good is there is no-one about. The only people left are the partiers on there way home or the milkman.
Bad, is that's its dark.....
So it's harder to find a place to put a Jar if you don't know the area. I've wanted to put a Jar out here in a while but I didn't want to go wondering round the park in the dark. So the obvious place it is.

This Jar however did go out after after midnight, which makes its a Free Art Friday Jar.

 Happy Hunting !