So it's been a couple of millennia, How are you all?
A lot has happened, and it's too much to go into and way to boring.
But what isn't is that there is a new jar....or even 2.
I recently visited a spot from years ago and being there inspired me to make a few Jars.
I'm out of practice at this, but here they are.
Released: 15-9-2018
General Location: Dunster Beach
Status: Found
I got away for a few days and realised how different is since the last time I was here. I couldn't remember when I last visited Dunster, but thanks to the Jars, I know it was September 2011. The date makes me bulk a little because of history and then remember so much.
I was in such a different plave then, as were we all I expect. But it was nice to return as a different human. More scars than before, but also more knowledge of who I am and who I want to be.
Origami Stars
Released: 16-9-2018
General Location: Severn Nature Reserve
Status: In Situ
I hope you are all keeping Well and Happy Hunting xxx