

Friday, 27 January 2012

Jar Number 29

Jar Number 29

Contents: Paper
Released: 27-1-2012
General Location: Savages Wood, Bradley Stoke, BS32
Status: Missing 25-3-2012

This one has only just made it out in time. It's been ready to go since last week but I haven't. Had a rather odd week health wise and a lot of stress. My way of life has been under threat for a few months. This week I finally got a bit of it back, now for the rest it's a waiting game. So today is the only day I've felt like venturing out. Even then I didn't make it that far and didn't end up where I planned. Most of Bradley Stoke seems to have been swallowed by mud, so it's very hard to get about. Anyways, it made it :)


Happy Hunting!

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Jar Number 28

Jar Number 28

Can't believe I'm over half way through this project, It doesn't feel like it. Looking back at all the jars gone out already, I had forgotten about some of them.
This weeks jar sort of embraces one of the reasons I started this. My urge or need to Create. 
We all feel somewhere in us a need to create. Or rather I think we do, as I have never some across a person who hasn't. Whether it be creatively, academically or biologically. So this project helps me create work and put it out in the world, whether good, bad or ugly. It doesn't matter as long as I'm creating.

Contents: Plastic, writing
Released: 14-1-2012 
General Location: Webbs Wood, Bradley Stoke, BS32 
Status: Missing 16-2-12

It seems I have a wood, (or the City's idea of a wood) near me. I went for a very short explore and came across this...

Thought it was quite sweet

Happy Hunting!

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Jar Number 27

Jar Number 27

And I'm back......and I have made it over half way through. I can't believe I've made it this far, fingers crossed I make it to the finish.
Thinking about the new year and thought this jar was appropriate. we all start the new year with the hope. Whether it's for health, peace, love, wealth, tranquillity, balance or all of the above.
Myself, i'll just take what i can get and hope for no major disasters. By the end of this year, I hope to have completed this project and be lucky enough to bump into some happiness along the way.

Contents: Wire
Released: 7-1-2012
General Location: Bristol City Centre, BS1
Status: In situ

Happy Hunting!

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Missing Jars

Missing Jars

Hello all, and a Happy New Year. The project is almost back up a running after a bit of a health break. There is a little pile of jars ready to go out, and a new part of Bristol to explore.
But before I get going again it's time for a little bit of housekeeping. I have been retracing my steps a bit and checking up on some jars. It seems the list of missing jars is getting bigger.
Please if you have found them, report them. Even if you don't want your name on it or anything. I would love to just know that the jars have been picked up and moved on somewhere.

Here is a list of the missing jars so far........

Jar Number 3
Jar Number 4
Jar Number 7
Jar Number 9
Jar Number 11
Jar Number 13
Jar Number 15
Jar Number 18
Jar Number 21
Jar Number 25

And there are plenty still out there to be found

So Happy Hunting!