

Sunday 10 June 2012

Jar Number 47

Jar Number 47

Contents: Photo
Released: 9-6-2012
General Location: Clifton, BS8
Status: Found by Megan Eaton age 5 1/2  9-6-12

Another sleepy week in my end of the world. S I finally drag myself out of bed, and try to face the world with a smile and a sense of purpose. The sun is shinning again, so i head out to a lovely view with a book and a Jar.
Should be pretty easy to find, how many views are there in Clifton.......

I'll give you a really Big clue................
Go to the place where you get the best view over the bridge, way up high.

Happy Hunting!


  1. Hi
    Found by Megan Eaton, aged 5 1/2, on Saturday. Not on the bench, but on the pavement (presumably near to the bench you left it on although I didn't notice), by the Observatory overlooking the Gorge/Suspension Bridge. A real excitement for Megan to find 'treasure', especially as we were just passing through Bristol, meeting friends for a picnic on the Downs after a week's wet and windy camping in Devon. A lovely holiday highlight for Megan - thanks! The jar is now home with us near St Ives, Cambridgeshire, and Megan will be taking it into school for show and tell at the first possible opportunity. I'm sure she'll want to come here to send you a message too, but I thought I'd let you know we'd found it.
    It's a fascinating project you've got going, we'll be following your progress and treasuring Megan's find. Thanks again.
    Mark Eaton (Megan's dad)

  2. Hello Mark and Megan,

    Thank you so much for your message. It has made my week to know someone has found the jar.
    What a great story of a find, it has to be one of the best yet. It means so much to me when a Jar is found, especially now I'm nearing the end of the project. And to have it found and thought of as treasure is amazing.
    I hope Megan's show and tell goes well, this has made me so happy beyond words, I wish her luck.
    Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.
    Badwolf Jars

  3. Hello Shelly I loved your message. When I found the jar I felt so excited. I felt like a pirate finding treasure. The jar is going to stay in my living room and I am showing it to my friends when they come to my house. I'll let you know what happens when I do show and tell.
    Love Megan Eaton

    1. Hi Megan,
      Great to hear from you, I'm glad you enjoyed finding it. I really enjoyed your messege and your story of how you found it. Bristol is very famous for Pirates so you were in the right place to find tresure :)
      Hope you're having a good day
      BadWolf Jars
