

Sunday 1 January 2012

Missing Jars

Missing Jars

Hello all, and a Happy New Year. The project is almost back up a running after a bit of a health break. There is a little pile of jars ready to go out, and a new part of Bristol to explore.
But before I get going again it's time for a little bit of housekeeping. I have been retracing my steps a bit and checking up on some jars. It seems the list of missing jars is getting bigger.
Please if you have found them, report them. Even if you don't want your name on it or anything. I would love to just know that the jars have been picked up and moved on somewhere.

Here is a list of the missing jars so far........

Jar Number 3
Jar Number 4
Jar Number 7
Jar Number 9
Jar Number 11
Jar Number 13
Jar Number 15
Jar Number 18
Jar Number 21
Jar Number 25

And there are plenty still out there to be found

So Happy Hunting!

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